Robotic Process Automation is the technology that allows anyone today to configure computer software, or a “robot” to emulate and integrate the actions of a human interacting within digital systems to execute a business process. RPA robots utilize the user interface to capture data and manipulate applications just like humans do. DataPMI provides a straightforward RPA implementation process that will have your team delivering measurable new efficiencies almost immediately. We start with a workshop to identify and analyze your processes and your needs. From there, we develop use cases and prioritize them for optimal performance before beginning the implementation process.

Robotic Process Automation software robots are programmed to follow rules. They never get tired and never make mistakes. They are compliant and consistent.

Once instructed, RPA robots execute reliably, reducing risk. Everything they do is monitored. You have the full control to operate in accordance with existing regulations and standards.

RPA can reduce processing costs by up to 80%. In less than 12 months, most enterprises already have a positive return on investment, and potential further accumulative cost reductions can reach 20% in time.

Across business units and geographies, RPA performs a massive amount of operations in parallel, from desktop to cloud environments. Additional robots can be deployed quickly with minimal

Employees are the first to appreciate the benefits of RPA as it removes non-value-add activities and relieves them from the rising pressure of work.

Determining your readiness for RPA (the next step on the RPA journey) is closely tied to your organization’s approach to digital transformation.
RPA can only be successful at scale when your workforce is empowered to automate on their own. You’ll need to choose RPA software that’s not only be technically powerful but also exceptionally intuitive. Along the same lines, be aware of the necessity for continuous learning, and look for built-in training and learning programs to support ongoing upskilling/reskilling.
The value of your RPA proof of concept is in seeing if your business case assumptions were accurate and proving out your implementation model.
Post-PoC, the next step in the RPA journey is putting an automated process into everyday operation.
In order to assist you to further understand how to implement RPA in a proper manner, we will have to begin by understanding the overall RPA implementation roadmap. DataPMI implementation roadmap, provides you with a holistic view of the implementation plan. It categorizes each of the implementation processes into different stages which makes it easier for us to implement it systematically.
Contatc Us for DemoThe benefits of RPA extend beyond usual cost reduction and amplified productivity. It can address various critical industry-specific issues, and help retailers organize complex organizational tasks, like compliance and audit regulation. Once these activities are automated, employees can focus more on complex and strategic roles.

Data Discovery, Planning, Forecasting, and Advanced Analytics. Our Solution is completely unified and shares the same metrics, data, and vision of customers, products, and markets. It is a unique decision-making Solution to help you achieve your goals and make a difference to your business.
RPA delivers remarkable efficiencies in critical tasks of data collection and decision making. Previously, retailers relied on manually collected data. Now they are adopting RPA that makes the entire process of data transfer seamless and allows employees to focus more on analysis, thereby, resulting in more informed decisions. DataPMI’s extensive RPA solutions and solutions for retailers can help them make informed decisions based on actionable insights.

Data Discovery, Planning, Forecasting, and Advanced Analytics. Our Solution is completely unified and shares the same metrics, data, and vision of customers, products, and markets. It is a unique decision-making Solution to help you achieve your goals and make a difference to your business.
RPA can help retailers automate time-consuming and resource-heavy customer support activities, such as loyalty scheme management and complaint handling. RPA enables businesses address customer complaints quickly and effectively, whilst turning resentful customers into brand advocates, thereby, enhancing customer loyalty. With DataPMI’s RPA-based solutions for the retail sector, retailers can nurture their customer relations better and build a strong brand reputation.

DataPMI’s gamut of RPA solutions for retail delivers value by aiding the cost- effectiveness and optimization of business processes. Retailers are heavily leveraging RPA solutions and solutions to enhance efficiency, drive cost reduction, compliance and deploy employees on high-priority tasks. DataPMI offers end-to-end RPA solutions for retail and takes care of functional as well as technical aspects while promising a high business value impact.
DataPMI’s Retail-focused RPA solutions enable retailers to
- Top down and bottom up goal setting
- Set balanced territories and equal workload across sales force
- View coverage gaps between territories
- Include ramp profiles for new reps
- Motivate sales reps to set goals and satisfy customers
- Align new resources more accurately